Building and Wiring Electricity NC II

Friday, February 25, 2011

If you are into electricity and household lighting, enroll in Building Electricity Wiring course. Building wiring technicians are essential in the construction industry. The main job for building wiring technicians are lighting fixture installations, interpret building wiring plans, set proper wiring, install home and industrial electrical machines, and troubleshoot electrical devices.

Electrician training centers are too few in the region where it is almost a disregarded vocational course. It is because electrical wiring is often learned easily through practical applications. There may be too few technical training centers offering building wiring, we offer it here entirely for free.

Upon enrolling in our technical school's training, you will be learning things about wiring splices, switch configuration, lighting fixture installation and maintenance, wiring planning, assembly of electrical devices, and more. After the training, each student is required to undergo a 240 hour on-the-job-training at any establishment involving electrical engineering or similar.

An OJT is a window of opportunity for every student as they may be absorbed as workers instead of just being a trainee when a supervisor or manager sees your performance as exceptional. There are many workers in local engineering establishments coming from our vocational training school. The quality of our training in building wiring is currently unparalleled.

Mrs. Lhena Refe is our instructor for Building Wiring Installation, a TESDA certified and National Certification II Examination Passer, and a certified TESDA assessor. She also is an active building wiring technician.


Unknown said...

Do they teach you how to make electrical plan?

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