CLHIDO PC Op Students donated computer peripherals as a Christmas Project!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

CLHIDO vocational course trainees made such a big sacrifice for the school. Having been enrolled in a Vocational Course Training is such a sweet opportunity where learning is methodical and highly technical. The trainings provided by the City Livelihood and Home Industries Development Office (CLHIDO) are streamlined from the standards of TESDA's NC II teaching methodology. Though inadequate with the right facility, the center is able to produce quality graduates and highly skilled workforce.

10 of the twelve 12 hero - students takes a pose

They are the 10 of the 12 students who participated in the fund raising

Dario, the Class President of CLHIDO is the cerebellum of the Project!
Dario, the Very Active PC Op Class president who with ate Coleen first proposed and initiated the fund raising project.

Since the center only provides seven (7) ATX Computers for the training in which two of the seven units were unusable, the two defective units further increased the difficulty of the training. The said units are being used alternately by eighty-four (84) students for both PC Operation and Computer Hardware Servicing students. This is a radical truth, the ratio of the units and the students are way out of balance. In effect, the resulting training becomes almost useless. Two dead units are such burden to both trainees and Instructor.

Power Puff Girls sa CLHIDO PC Op

Right to Left: Analiza, Marmelyn, and Ate Coleen

Banha ug Sadya nga Tig-carolling
Ang mga artista nga nangaroling!

Twelve PC Operation Students made a bold move to surpass the difficulty in using the Training Center's Computers. The two unused Computer System units have defective power supply and ram and the twelve students decided to raise funds through Christmas Carolling. Their route in Sibulan included Poblacion,Magatas, Cangmating Area, and Tubtubon. Fortunately, the group managed to raise 2,150.00 enough buy a power supply unit, a keyboard, and a 256 Mb ram. With their effort, we now have seven functioning computers being used for the training. Their desire to help the training center do not end there, they are aiming to gather and raise more funds to buy the defective LCD Projector bulb, additional keyboards and mouse, and other peripherals.The amount to raise is really big and hard to target. They said this thing they did is by no means to humiliate the government, this is an act to share, not only for their common good but also for the benefit of the succeeding trainees. It's their way of showing how to be human and humane.

The seven mighty heroes are Coleen, Dario, Jenny, Marj, Marlyn, Carol, Rogin, Arvin, Beverly, Analiza, Jason, and Marmelyn all are students of CLHIDO's PC Operation and Hardware Servicing previous and present students.We are so proud of the wonderful thing you did. You all deserve to be gratefully acknowledged by you unselfish act. Thank you so much Lord! Thank you mighty 12! and Thank you to all the household we visited and supported our project!

The purchased power supply and the memory, the fruit of thy Christmas Carol.

The fruit of thy labor! The power supply and the RAM purchased after the cold nights, barking dogs, and eerie dark places of caroling!

The purchased memory installed in the system unit
The brand new RAM being seated in its slot, it costs 15 households, 4 dog barks, and 1 evening rain. :)

The purchased power supply installed in another system unit

The installed power supply that costs 17 households, 2 dog barks, 2 kilos of bulad, and 4 days of "duka"


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